Spatial modelling of supply and demand for water yield service in the Haraz Watershed

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc, Department of Environment, Faculty of natural resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Environment, Faculty of natural resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Environment, Faculty of natural resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran


The balance between water supply and demand and the related services is a key issue in land planning with a water resources management approach. The purpose of this study is to establish a proper supply flow through mapping surface water production service in the Haraz Watershed using the water yield model as a supply and demand utility. In this study, based on the input layers including limiting root depth, average annual rainfall, water content plant availability, reference evapotranspiration, land use/land cover, biophysical table, as well as watershed boundaries and sub-basins surface water production service was modeled. Then, the demand map of the watershed was prepared based on programmable water in the water yield model, and the flow between supply and demand was calculated to form the equilibrium and imbalances.The results show that the Payabeheraz sub-basin with an annual water yield of 69 million m3, due to precipitation of 618 mm per year, concentration of agricultural lands, and urban areas, had the highest water yield in 2017. In the meantime, Payabetalar and the Siahroud sub-basins, owning the amount of industrial lands in addition to the agricultural lands, and high population concentration, have the highest demand with an annual average of 800 million m3. Besides, the results indicate that in the Haraz watershed, the imbalance in supply and demand has led to a lot of pressure on the water resources so that continuing the current situation, a sharp decline in the water resources is imminent. In order to balance and maintain stability in both demand and supply sections, reallocating the population (to reduce demand in the pressurized sub-basins) and land cover/land use arrangement (to increase the supply and maintenance of water resources) have been proposed.


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