Assessment attitudes and factors affecting the willingness of Mohajeran citizens to pay to improvement of air quality

Document Type : Research Paper


Islamic Economics Group,School of Economics and Management, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


. The existence of air pollution crisis in developing countries necessitates a comprehensive study in this field. The new city of Mohajeran is one of the newly established cities in Markazi province, where the sources of pollution in this city are mostly point and non-transferable sources. These sources of pollution, along with other polluting factors, have caused air pollution in this city. In the present study, the aim is to estimate the willingness of people to pay to improve the air quality of Mohajeran and to determine the factors affecting the willingness to pay. In this study, the conditional valuation method and the logit model have been used to estimate the willingness of individuals to pay. The required data have been extracted from the completion of 362 face -to – face two dimensional questionnaires in 1399 in the city of Mohajeran. The results showed that the variables of household income, age, history of disease due to air pollution and the index of attitudes and environmental tendencies of the respondent have a positive effect and the variable of the proposed amount has a negative and significant effect on the willingness to pay. Also, the average willingness of respondents to improve the air quality of this city was 12838 Tomans per month. The average willingness to pay monthly is 49170 Tomans per household and total economic value of 3135 million Tomans per year. Therefore, this issue requires more attention of officials in urban planning.


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