Proposal for a Decision Algorithm for Selecting Coastal-Marine Protected Areas in South of Iran,, Case Study: Hormozgan Province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Marine Science/ Faculty of Natural resources and environment/ Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch/Tehran/ Iran.

2 Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Natural resources and environment, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Environment,, Technical and Engineering Faculty, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch

4 Department of Marine Science/ Faculty of Natural resources and environment/ Science and Research Branch/ Islamic Azad University/ Tehran/ Iran


Given the importance of coastal-marine areas and their high sensitivity, integrated coastal zone management plans for the sustainable management and use of these resources, have been globally defined and restricted. The criteria for selecting these areas in Iran need to be revised to develop a specific guideline, based on the current situation. In the present study, the results of the hitherto researches, determining priorities of being representative by AHP method and sensitivity by ANP method, were combined and the final priorities of being representative were obtained. Then, according to the established ecoregions in hitherto researches, habitat priorities were determined based on ecoregions. Then the protection status of the final codes was gained in the whole region and in each ecoregion. The results showed that the entire study area has been protected completely. The Hormuz Strait ecoregion with the most diverse habitat, has the greatest tension and it is in the best protection status. Sensitivity analysis of the models showed no sensitivity to any of the criteria. Since, some parts of the Northern Persian Gulf and Makran ecoregions are not located in Hormozgan province, a final judgement was impossible to be made for them. Finally, potential land uses were defined at the provincial level and a decision-making algorithm was developed for coastal-marine areas of southern Iran.


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