The impact of innovation strategies and green information system on green innovation with the mediating role of green organizational identity and environmental organizational legitimacy

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Lorestan, Khorramabad, Iran.



The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of green innovation strategies and green information system on green innovation with the mediating role of green organizational identity and environmental organizational legitimacy (Case study: Shazand Arak Petrochemical Company). This research is a descriptive survey based on the applied purpose and also in terms of method. The statistical population includes all managers and employees of Shazand Petrochemical Company of Markazi province (Arak city) were selected by available sampling method. For data collection, standard questionnaires were used. Structural equation modeling and PLS software were used to test the hypotheses and analyze the data. Examining the hypotheses of the data Green Innovation Strategies and Green Information System on Green Innovation and Green Organizational Identity and Environmental Organizational Legitimacy have been proven. The results show that the relationships between all variables of the model are significant and the proposed model is also approved. The research findings also indicate that at the 95% confidence level of green innovation strategies and green information system has a positive and significant effect on green innovation with the mediating role of green organizational identity and environmental organizational legitimacy. The results of testing the hypotheses indicate that the green identity of the organization affects the environmental commitment more than the organizational legitimacy.


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