Biological degradation assessment of the Chahnimeh reservoir in Sistan using an ecological degradation model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Natural Ecosystems Management, Hamoun International Wetland Institute, Research Institute of Zabol, Zabol, Iran.

2 Department of Water Resources, Hamoun International Wetland Institute, Research Institute of Zabol, Zabol, Iran.



The environmental degradation model is an environmental impact assessment method that analyzes and quantitatively quantifies the effects of human activities and ecological changes on the environment. Regarding the importance of Sistan’s Chah-Nimeh in the region, this study aims to evaluate the degradation of the Chah-Nimeh of Sistan using the Makhdoum Ecological Demonstration Model (2002). After dividing the Chah-Nimeh into 28 cells of 50 ha and separating the area of the Chah-Nimeh into three affected areas, including the educational and recreational complex of Baqiyatullah Azam, the agricultural lands of the city, the reproduction and cultivation center of fisheries, and the agricultural lands of Qale Nou, water sampling was performed from 12 points affecting water quality. Physical and chemical factors of water, including biological oxygen, chemical oxygen, total soluble solids, nitrate, nitrite, acidity, alkalinity, phosphate, electrical conductivity, and sulfate were measured as sources of destruction and effects on aquatic life. Physiological density was also obtained by dividing the villagers around the Chah-Nimeh to a radius of 2000 m in each working network on the extent of the land to be exploited in each area. The results obtained and data collection using aquaculture standards indicate that the total area of Chah-Nimeh is classified as an area requiring reconstruction. Accordingly, 21 networks covering 75% of the area have 5–14.99 degradation factors. In addition, seven networks are located in the northern part of the semi-well (affected area of agricultural lands of the city and the reproduction and cultivation center of fisheries), with 25% of the area in the range of 15–19.99 degradation, which requires priority reconstruction.


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 01 April 2024