Using the Tobit Model for Determining the Effective Factors in Visitors' Willingness to Payment for Jolfa’s Asiab Kharabe Fall

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assoc Prof, Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz,Iran

2 Former Graduate Student in Agricultural Economics from the University of Tabriz, Iran


In recent decades, tourism has been considered as a way to decreasing tensions of urban life. This study tried to determine the effective factors in visitors' willingness to pay for Asiab Kharabeh fall by using Tobit model. Data set were obtained by completing questionnaires and interviewing with 125 individuals who visit the fall. According to the results 69.6 percent of visitors were ready to pay as an admission for visiting the fall and the mean was about 4312 Rials per year. The results show that the variables income, tendency of staying in waterfall at night and membership in NGO environmental organization has significant and positive and variables include age, distance and household leadership have significant and negative effect on visitors' WTP for Asiab Kharabeh fall.
