Effects of Environmental Pollution on Job Stress in Different Districts of Tehran High Schools Staff

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc. Student of Natural Resources, University of Tehran

2 Assistant Professor of Natural Resources, University of Tehran


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between air, noise, light and landscape pollution on job stress of staff work in high schools of different districts (1, 2, 10 and 11) of Tehran. This stress can reduce the efficiency of the personnel. The number of people participated in this research was 250, selected by random from different schools of the districts. The questionnaires were Osipow’s job stress and a questionnaire designed for determination of people’s ideas about air, noise, light and landscape pollution (pollution description questionnaire). Statistical design for the research was correlation between descriptive variables in Crosstabulation. The applied statistical analyses were Chi-Square correlation coefficient to determine any relationship between different variable, air, noise, light and landscape pollution and job stress in personnel; and t-test to compare the averages of two distinctive groups (high schools’ staff of districts 1 and 2 with districts of 10 and 11). Significant correlations were found between job stress and physical environment of the workplace, residency location, the ideas of people on dangerous effects of air pollution in their districts, being upset from noise pollution, headaches from noise and air pollution, use of neurotic drugs and smoking. There were also significant correlation between the district of residency and the people’s knowledge of environment and their smoking rates. No significant correlations were found between stress and their opinions on light and landscape pollution.
