Air Quality Information System Using Online WebGIS



Particulate and gaseous emissions of pollutants from industries and auto-exhausts are responsible for rising discomfort, aggravates respiratory and cardiovascular. In this study, a system for air quality information in Tehran city has been developed, using an online Web-based geographic information system. This Web-based GIS application allows users to recognize areas with a potential increase in its air pollution situation. In the developed system, all spatial positions of the monitoring stations are shown in the map of Tehran. Every 15 minutes the system is connected to the CO, NO2, SO2, PM10, PM2.5 and O3 data collected in the existing database in Air Quality Control Company through the designed web server. After processing the transmitted data, Pollutant Standard Index (PSI) will be calculated. Then with connecting to the monitoring stations, results will be shown on the Tehran map as graphic web pages and texts.
